Trinity County#

Operator Overview#

Route Typologies#

The following data presents an overview of GTFS characteristics using data from the most recent date of September 2024.

Trinity County runs 4 unique routes. Below is the breakdown of the routes and routes can belong to one or more categories.

Route categories are determined using a approach that looks at GTFS trips data alongside National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)’s Transit Route Types and Frequency and Volume guides. Please see the methodology docs for more details on this approach.

Service Area#

Trinity County provides 167 miles of public transit. The average length of a route is 35 miles.

Trinity County stops at 97 unique stops, totaling to 290 arrivals. The average arrivals per stop is 2.

Trinity County provides public transit in Humboldt, Shasta, Trinity counties.

Map of Routes#

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Service Hours#

Metrics for All Routes#

Detailed Route Overview#

Trinity County only has schedule data.